Mold can be an insidious problem, since often it has already spread profusely by the time you even realize you have an issue. Knowing where mold is likely to come from can help you monitor for and prevent problems before they occur. The following guide can help.
Your crawlspace or basement
Any home that isn't built upon a slab has a crawlspace or basement. This is often ground zero for mold because the space can easily become damp. Having your crawlspace properly encapsulated can prevent issues, as there is never a good reason to have standing water in the crawlspace. For basements, sealing works well unless you have a major moisture issue. In this case, you may need to combine sealing with a sump pump and dehumidifier system.
Replace your weatherstripping
Moisture seeping in around doors and windows is a common problem that can afflict even the best-built home. This is because weatherstripping eventually wears down and needs replacement. Failure to do so first allows damp in around door frames, which will begin to mold if they are made of wood. This then spreads to wallboard and then even the carpet or ceiling. Check weatherstripping annually for drafts or damage, and replace when needed.
Wet pipes
There are two common causes for wet plumbing pipes – leaks or condensation. Leaks should be monitored for on a regular basis. Check under cabinets for moisture, and monitor your water usage and water pressure for any changes that could indicate a leak. Condensation is more common under sinks or where pipes run through an unheated basement. Insulating the pipes can help prevent this issue.
Roof leaks
Attics often harbor moisture and hidden mold colonies, simply because many people rarely take a peek in their attic. A small leak in a roof can go for years without any noticeable effect inside the living areas of your home, but during this time your attic insulation is growing a mold colony. Have your roof inspected regularly for signs of leaks. Also, take a peak in your attic at least once a year. Look for wet areas on the insulation or the underside of the roof sheathing. Peaking in the attic on a sunny day will also reveal if the light is getting through the roof anywhere. If it is, then so is water.
For more help, contact a residential mold removal service in your area. They can both help find and eliminate the problem.